
Simplified literature search for clinical evaluations thanks to automatically executed and documented searches in PubMed and PubMed Central.

Perform more efficient literature reviews

Reduce the effort of performing and updating literature searches with our avaPubmed extension for avaClinical.

Searches in PubMed and PubMed Central can now be automated and documented. Information about identified publications is exported directly to Polarion and clearly displayed. This eliminates many manual steps and massively reduces the effort of regularly updating the literature search.

The Best Practice Templates for Literature Search & Review Plan and Literature Review Report meet the requirements for evaluation and analysis of MEDDEV 2.7/1 Rev. 4 and ensure a reproducible search strategy.

The evaluation and analysis of search results is performed centrally on LiveReport Pages, which can be easily customized for easy editing. Workflow allows you to ensure the four-eyes principle, and consistency checks show where required content is not yet available.

Relevant publications are linked to individual statements of the clinical evaluation (Clinical Evaluation Subjects), so that it is possible to identify which publication supports individual safety, performance, and benefit aspects.

All relevant information from the literature review is automatically displayed in the literature review report – only the summary and final evaluation need to be completed.

Overview of features:
  • Best Practice Templates for Literature Search & Review Plan and Literature Review Report based on MEDDEV 2.7/1 Rev. 4
  • Reproducible objective search in literature databases with the help of search queries
  • Automatic execution of searches in PubMed or PubMed Central and documentation of identified publications with relevant information
  • Workflow controlled, fast updates of literature searches within PMCF
  • Centralized administration of publications in combination with product-specific evaluation
  • Easily customizable LiveReport Pages for the overview of identified publications as well as documentation of evaluation and analysis
  • Efficient creation of the Literature Review Report with the help of automatically compiled content for safety, performance, benefit, marketing claims and SotA
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Sarah Panten
Sarah Panten
Strategic Business & Portfolio Development